Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chronic Daily Headache: Interferes With Daily Life

Most people have headaches from time to time. But if you experience headaches frequently you may be having a head pain common referred to as chronic daily headaches. The never-ending nature of chronic daily headaches makes it one of the most disabling headaches. Usually, the headache occurs for 15 days or more in a month, for at least three months. Additionally, to be considered under the category of chronic daily headache, it may not be associated with any other health issue.

According to the duration of headache, they are categorized as chronic migraine, chronic tension-type headache, new daily persistent headache and hemicrania continua.

Now let us talk about some of the symptoms associated with each:
New Daily Persistent Headache

•    Not aggravated by routine physical activities
•    Causes mild to moderate pain
•    Results in pain that feels like tightening or pressing, but not pulsating
•    Hurts both sides of your head

Chronic Migraine

•    Aggravated by routine physical activities
•    Cause moderate to severe pain
•    Cause throbbing and pulsating sensation
•    Affect only one side of your head
And it results in at least one of the following:
•    Sensitivity to sound and light
•    Vomiting, nausea, or both

Chronic Tension-Type Headache

•    Are not aggravated by routine physical activities
•    Causes pain that feels tightening or pressing, but not pulsating
•    Results in mild to moderate pain
•    Hurts on both sides of your head

Hemicrania Continua

•    Daily and continuous with no pain-free periods
•    May sometimes be severe and migraine type symptoms may develop
•    Responds to prescription pain reliever
•    Causes moderate pain but with moments of severe pain

If you feel that your chronic daily headache is interfering with your daily activities then it is important to take the help of a credible Houston pain center. With their viable assistance you can relieve your headaches and lead a normal and headache-free life.
Pain Free Life