This is a viral skin infection most commonly observed in children and people with weakened immunity. People living in tropical climactic conditions are also more likely to get infected with the molluscum contagiosum virus, which flourishes in warm, humid conditions. So, what are the causes of molluscum contagiosum, and how can we go about treating the same?
The molluscum contagiosum lesions are caused by a virus called molluscum. There are two ways in which someone can get infected with the virus.
• By touching towels, clothes, and other items that already infected: You can get the virus if you are not careful and have touched infected towel, clothes, or even toys. Many a times, wrestlers and gymnasts have been known to get the virus from touching mats that are already infected with the same.
• By skin to skin direct contact: You can get the lesions if you are having direct skin to skin direct contact with people who are infected.. Sometimes, teens and adults can get the virus from sexual contact with someone with the condition.
Once someone is infected, the person can unknowingly spread the virus to other parts of the body by scratching or picking the skin lesions and then touching parts of the skin that are healthy. This can cause the appearance of new lesions. The infection is contagious as long as the lesions are there.
So, once you know the causes of molluscum contagiosum, how do you get it treated?
Some people opt for surgical removal of the lesions that are often painful and leave behind scars. For children, the freezing or cutting of the lesions is often not an option, as they would not be able to deal with the pain. Most parents would not also want to subject their kids to surgery that can leave behind lifelong scars. The best alternative to get the lesions treated would be to opt for natural topical applications that can painlessly remove the lesions, sometimes even within a month. You can also avoid the lesions from spreading by not scratching the affected areas or covering the lesions with a tape or bandage.